Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 2010 SLATE Meeting

This is a reminder that our next monthly SLATE meeting will be on Wednesday, May 12 beginning @ 10:00am and hosted by Northern Illinois University. So that NIU can prepare for our visit, it is very important that you RSVP back to Ken Sadowski by Monday, May 10th with the names of those who will be attending from your institution. Additional information at the end of this message.

Main Agenda: e-Portfolio's: Assessment, Attainment, or Attitude

An e-portfolio is a collection of electronic evidence assembled by the user usually on the Web. E-portfolio's are both a demonstration of the user’s abilities and a platform for self-expression that can be maintained dynamically over time. An e-portfolio can be seen as a type of learning record that provides actual evidence of achievement. Students often create these digital identities which can facilitate a students reflection on their own learning leading to more awareness of learning strategies and needs. What information does, should an e-portfolio contain? Who owns this information – is it part of a student identity or transcript?

In this open-discussion we hope that institutions that currently use, or are thinking about deploying e-portfolio's on their campus with share their thoughts, and experiences to date.

Resources to reference before the meeting
Other agenda item if time allows
  • follow-up or additional questions from last months meeting
  • SLATE Conference call-for-proposals, registration, etc.
  • BbWorld, version 9, other related items

PLEASE NOTE – SLATE Meetings to be streamed live online!

If you are unable to attend in person - monthly SLATE meetings are now streamed live, thanks to our friends at Wimba – using Wimba Classroom. To participate, visit http://bit.ly/slatemeeting and login using the following:

Enter RoomID: SLATE
Enter Name: first initial+last name (no spaces. Example: jsmith)

We'll plan to begin streaming the session at approx. 9:45 am.

Information of note:

We will be meeting in the Holmes Student Center Heritage Room. Follow the signs.

For directions, parking, and other information go to: http://www.niu.edu/blackboard/slate/may2010.shtml

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