Thursday, July 29, 2010

2010 SLATE Conference - REMINDER

The 8th Annual SLATE Conference will be held on October 21-22, 2010 in Chicago, IL. This conference has become a premier event in the Midwest and has attracted participants from around the world in higher-ed, K-12, government, and the corporate sector.   Realizing that everyone has the same challenges and issues (no matter the platform) this conference reaches out to institutions and individuals that are using and supporting technology and web-based teaching tools tools such as Blackboard’s family of products (WebCT, Angel), along with Moodle or other open source systems.

Early-bird Registration is Open
Early-bird registration ends this week -
July 31.  Register today to take advantage of a great reduced rate before standard rates apply.

Call for Papers 
There is still time to submit a  presentation, panel discussion, or working group activity (through July 31, 2010) which can cover a broad range of topics that relate to best practices, innovative, engaging, and pedagogically sound uses of technology in teaching and learning, etc.  The conference theme of “build it better,” hopes to ask the next question, explore new possibilities, and develop sound models that can be implemented in online, distance education, and classroom instruction.

Some of the topics presented in past conferences included:

     • Using Podcasting to Meet the Needs of Millennial Students
     • Platform-Independent Course Design
     • Teaching Writing Using Blogs and Wikis
     • Student GPA and Course Delivery Methods
     • Using Technology Tools to Ensure Faculty Success
     • Online Assessment Strategies
     • Using Your CMS as a Retention Tool

More detailed information can be found at the following:

•  SLATE Conference home
•  Call for Papers
•  Registration Link
•  SLATE home page

Key Dates 
Call for Papers Opens:  May 1, 2010
Paper Submission Deadline:  July 31, 2010
Notification of Paper Acceptance:   August 1, 2010
Conference dates:  October 21-22, 2010

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact:

Ken Sadowski
SLATE Conference Coordinator
% The University of Chicago
1100 E. 57th Street
Regenstein Library, room 220
Chicago, IL  60637
ph:  773.702.4665
fx:  773.702.8802

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