Friday, July 9, 2010

July 2010 SLATE Meeting

This is a reminder that our next monthly SLATE meeting will be on Wednesday, July 21st beginning @ 9:30am and hosted by Dominican University. So that Dominican can prepare for our visit, it is very important that you RSVP back to Ken Sadowski by Monday, July 19th with the names of those who will be attending from your institution. Additional information at the end of this message.

Main Agenda: Made for Learning: Apple in Higher Education

Continuing our discussions on mobile learning, this presentation will show how Apple products make learning more engaging and accessible than ever. As was discussed last month, today's students are learning in more places than just the classroom and educators are finding - and must find - new and more dynamic ways to reach them anytime, anywhere.

At this hands-on event, you'll see for yourself how Mac, iPod, iPad, and iPhone make collaboration, content creation, and distribution easier than ever before. You'll also learn how Apple products can be used by students to enhance their learning experiences in school, as well as their professional careers. This is a special presentation just for SLATE. Please note the earlier starting time.
  • Presentation from: 9:30am - 12:30pm
  • We will be meeting on the main campus in Parmer 113
  • Lunch provided: 12:30pm in the CTLE

Other agenda item if time allows
  • SLATE Conference call-for-proposals, registration, etc.
  • Quick updates from BbWorld

PLEASE NOTE – Because of the hands-on nature of this meeting, it will NOT be streamed

Information of note:

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