Monday, November 5, 2012

November 2012 SLATE Meeting

This is the a reminder that the November SLATE meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 14th beginning at 10:00am and hosted by Moraine Valley Community College. So that Moraine Valley CC is able to prepare for our visit, please RSVP back to me by Monday, November 12th with the names of those that will be attending from your institution. Feel free to share this information with other, including faculty, that may be interested in this topic. We will be meeting in Building M in rooms M202/M204. Additional information below. Look forward to seeing you there.


Writing it Down: The "P" Word (Policies) You Don't Talk About - As systems, services, expectations, and confidentiality concerns increase, what policies and procedures do you have in place to handle questions and inquiries related to: who has access to a course site and for how long; who owns the materials on the course site; how long do course sites remain active for students; when and how often are courses sites backed up; who can request a course site - and I am sure many, many more questions like these are discussed on your campus every day. In this open discussion, please share how you and your campus address these issues or what questions you are currently struggling with. The hope is to come up with a document that we can compose and share on the SLATE site for others to reference.

NOTE: If your are unable to attend in person - the monthly SLATE meetings are streamed live using Blackboard Collaborate.

To participate, visit: and enter your name to login. Streaming will begin at approximately at 9:55am

- the newly formed Moodle SIG will meet during lunch for anyone who is interested
- SLATE Conference follow-up. Conference evaluation is now available here. Please complete if you haven't done so already
- Who can host a monthly meeting in 2013. Also topics that we would like to discuss. The next ten-years
- Continued discussions on forming additional SIG's (special interest groups)

Additional information for, Travel Directions, a Campus Map, and a map of Building M.

MVCC is requesting some parking spots be reserved outside the M building. We will let you know once that has been confirmed.


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