Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 2012 SLATE Meeting

This is the a reminder that the next monthly SLATE meeting will be held Wednesday, December 19th beginning at 10:00am and hosted by Chicago State University. So that CSU is able to prepare for our visit, please RSVP back to Ken Sadowski by Monday, December 17th with the names of those that will be attending from your institution. Feel free to share this information with others, including faculty, that may be interested in this topic. We will be meeting in the Library Sun Room (4th floor) - which is in the library. Additional information, directions, parking info, at the end of this message.


Using e-Portfolios in an Integrative Environment

Come join in this forum as we discus the 5 W's of ePortfolio usage: Who is currently using ePortfolios; What is an ePortfolio; Where are they used at your institution; When do they make the most impact; and Why use them. Hopefully these questions will allow for a general overview of ePortfolios as pedagogy and technology, discussion of how ePortfolios are being used at different institutions (or how they would like them to be used), and a sense of where the SLATE membership is in terms of using ePortfolios so that we can support each other. Additionally, there will be a demonstration of Mahara - an open source e-Portfolio and social networking software.


As has become the tradition at our December meetings, there will be time for friendship and fun. Once again we will be having our "white elephant" gift exchange during lunch. Wikipedia describes it pretty well, but for those who are unfamiliar... a white elephant gift exchange is as follows: each participant supplies one wrapped gift which is typically inexpensive (under $10), humorous, and can be new or used. Each person takes turns picking a gift. When all gifts are chosen, gifts are opened one at a time, and the "stealing" begins. You have to be there to experience the rest. I hope everyone will participate.

NOTE: If your are unable to attend in person - the monthly SLATE meetings are streamed live using Blackboard Collaborate.

To participate, visit: http://live.slategroup.org and enter your name to login. Streaming will begin at approximately at 9:55am


- the newly formed Moodle SIG will meet after lunch for anyone who is interested
- Still looking for a couple institutions that can host a meeting. Also, what do you want to talk about. Topics that we would like to discuss.


Here's a link to a map and parking directions: www.csu.edu/locator.

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