Tuesday, October 5, 2010

2010 SLATE Conference - Last week for Standard Registration

The 2010 SLATE Conference is only a couple weeks away.  Standard registration will end this week.  Group rates (3 or more) will still be offered through the week of the conference.  If there are others at your institution that may be interested in attending, please pass this information along to them.

The full program for the 2010 SLATE Conference is now available.  Almost 50 sessions are being presented this year - 13 vendors will be in attendance.  This year's keynote speaker: Ray Henderson, President, Blackboard Learn will provide a very engaging and informative address.

The SLATE Conference has become a premier event in the Midwest and has attracted participants from around the world in higher-ed, K-12, government, and the corporate sector. This year, this annual event will be held on October 21-22, 2010 hosted by the University of Chicago at their downtown conference facility, the Gleacher Center.  Realizing that everyone has the same challenges and issues (no matter the platform) this conference reaches out to institutions and individuals that are using and supporting technology and web-based teaching tools tools such as Blackboard’s family of products (WebCT, Angel), along with Moodle or other open source systems.  Here is your opportunity to listen, learn, an share your experiences with friends and colleagues over the scheduled day and half conference.

More detailed information can be found at the following:

•  Full Conference Program
•  SLATE Conference home  <http://slategroup.uchicago.edu/slateconference.html>
•  Conference Schedule <http://slategroup.uchicago.edu/pre_agenda08.html>
•  Registration Link <https://formulator.uchicago.edu/?Id=108>
•  SLATE home page <http://slategroup.uchicago.edu

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact:

Ken Sadowski
SLATE Conference Coordinator
% The University of Chicago
1100 E. 57th Street
Regenstein Library, room 220
Chicago, IL  60637
ph:  773.702.4665
fx:  773.702.8802

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