Wednesday, August 14, 2013

August 2013 SLATE Meeting

This is a reminder that the next monthly SLATE meeting will be held next Wednesday, August 21st beginning at 10:00am and hosted by Robert Morris University.  We will be meeting at the downtown campus; 401 S. State, Chicago, IL in room 817.  To give Robert Morris time to prepare for our visit, please RSVP back to me by Monday, August 19th with the names of those that will be attending from your institution. Feel free to share this information with others that may be interested in this topic. (Coffee, juice and rolls will be available in the morning).

If you have any additional questions please let me know.  See you then.  Thanks.



Preparing for the School Year: what do we need to do - As the new academic year approaches (or for some, may already be upon us) what do we due to prepare for new students, faculty, system upgrades, etc.  We are looking to share checklists or other procedures that you go through at your institution, to make sure everything is in place.  Anyone who has upgraded to the latest Bb service pack - what did you do (announcements, marketing, training, etc.) to let the campus know what was coming.  How did you perform testing (what criteria did you use, who was involved, was their a pilot).  In general, for other new technologies that are being introduced; how do you evaluate new features and decide what to implement, due you have a pilot.  Any and all information will be helpful, now and in the future.
NOTE: If your are unable to attend in person - the monthly SLATE meetings  are streamed live using Blackboard Collaborate.
To participate, visit: and enter your name to login.  Streaming will begin at approximately at 9:55am

  • REGISTRATION is still open for the 2013 SLATE Conference and Midwest Moodle Moot.  Take advantage of the group registration discount (see website for details).
  • If needed, you can make your hotel reservations now.  A special conference discount is availble but you must reserve before the end of September to take advantage.


Campus Map:

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